Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day gift

Opening a package from The Loopy Ewe is like opening a Christmas gift!

The yarn comes all wrapped up neatly with a cute little sticker! Be still my heart....isn't it lovely??

Colinette Jitterbug in the Mardi Gras colorway. This will make a nice pair of socks for my mom....she loves the bright colors (actually, she likes all the socks I make but the bright colors are her favorites!).

My Hadaki Cool Duffle! Love, love, love this! I needed a large bag. A bag large enough to fit my knitting, my Nook , my wallet, keys etc. and cool enough to carry out in public. I chose this one because my favorite color is ORANGE ;)

The bag was a Valentine's Day gift from my husband. I ordered it and when it arrived I showed it to him. I said, "Honey, look what you got me for Valentine's day!"....he replied, "I'm a great guy! I always get you exactly what you want, don't I?", yeah, whatever!

1 comment:

  1. I've only ordered from The Loopy Ewe once and loved getting my package. I can't wait to order from them again. They are wonderful:)
    Your bag is beautiful!
