Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you ever do this?

I sometimes make deals with myself. Like sort of a reward system. I have soooo much "around the house" work to do everyday (paper work, house work, kids stuff etc) that I could easily spend 12 hours a day tending to it. (Jeez, that sounds like a lot but really, if you were to see my "to do" list you'd understand......there are things on there like, clean basement, sweep front walkway etc). Anyway, I'll make a deal with myself. If I get _______done then I can knit for _____minutes. It's what keeps me going sometimes when I'm faced with a "to do" list that's 2 pages long (single spaced, lol).

Sometimes I will just set limits for myself. When the kids are off to school and gone by 8:00 I allow myself until 8:30 before I start my day. I always use that time to knit or read. This all sounds corny but I can't be the only one who does this!!

This week the kids are on vacation. February vacation we reserve for relaxing. Typically it is cold and snowy so we spend most of the week indoors. I intend to enlist the help of the kids (and husband) so I can spend more time knitting (and sewing and clipping my coupons...).

1 comment:

  1. The "deals" are how I get everything done. If it wasn't for that I'd be sitting in front of the TV knitting all day.
    Your sock looks great!
