Monday, February 27, 2012

The kids went back to school...except one

There's this phenomenon in my family. Without fail, Abby is sick the last 3 days of school vacation and the first 2 days back to school. Every single vacation! At Thanksgiving it was strep throat, Christmas it was a stomach bug and now February break she has some unexplained virus. High fever, headache etc. I wonder what ailment will present itself in April....

I didn't get too much knitting done over the past few days...or anything else done for that matter. Not sure why though. It sure wasn't because I was busy! I did spend a lot of time staring at my feverish daughter...her temp went up to 104.1 and I was a little worried.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Abby feels better soon! We have had that sick vacation curse in the past but this year we got it a week early. I hope no one else catches it!
