Monday, February 27, 2012

The kids went back to school...except one

There's this phenomenon in my family. Without fail, Abby is sick the last 3 days of school vacation and the first 2 days back to school. Every single vacation! At Thanksgiving it was strep throat, Christmas it was a stomach bug and now February break she has some unexplained virus. High fever, headache etc. I wonder what ailment will present itself in April....

I didn't get too much knitting done over the past few days...or anything else done for that matter. Not sure why though. It sure wasn't because I was busy! I did spend a lot of time staring at my feverish daughter...her temp went up to 104.1 and I was a little worried.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Do you ever do this?

I sometimes make deals with myself. Like sort of a reward system. I have soooo much "around the house" work to do everyday (paper work, house work, kids stuff etc) that I could easily spend 12 hours a day tending to it. (Jeez, that sounds like a lot but really, if you were to see my "to do" list you'd understand......there are things on there like, clean basement, sweep front walkway etc). Anyway, I'll make a deal with myself. If I get _______done then I can knit for _____minutes. It's what keeps me going sometimes when I'm faced with a "to do" list that's 2 pages long (single spaced, lol).

Sometimes I will just set limits for myself. When the kids are off to school and gone by 8:00 I allow myself until 8:30 before I start my day. I always use that time to knit or read. This all sounds corny but I can't be the only one who does this!!

This week the kids are on vacation. February vacation we reserve for relaxing. Typically it is cold and snowy so we spend most of the week indoors. I intend to enlist the help of the kids (and husband) so I can spend more time knitting (and sewing and clipping my coupons...).

Saturday, February 18, 2012


The problem with knitting one sock and not knitting the next one right away is you sometimes forget the details; cast on, rows for the cuff, how many rows for the leg, how many stitches you picked up for the gusset etc. Also, what yarn you're using.

These socks were in the bottom of my knitting notes attached. I'm doing my best to figure out sock one so I can finish sock 2. I cast on 68, that was easy. I knit 20 rows of 2x2 rib...easy. I'm guessing, since I do everything in even numbers, the leg is 50 rows. The hardest part will be figuring out the heel flap and gussets...:(. I have no hope in figuring out what yarn I used..oh well! I do know it's wool and it's fingering weight :)

* I published this post from my iPhone

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day gift

Opening a package from The Loopy Ewe is like opening a Christmas gift!

The yarn comes all wrapped up neatly with a cute little sticker! Be still my heart....isn't it lovely??

Colinette Jitterbug in the Mardi Gras colorway. This will make a nice pair of socks for my mom....she loves the bright colors (actually, she likes all the socks I make but the bright colors are her favorites!).

My Hadaki Cool Duffle! Love, love, love this! I needed a large bag. A bag large enough to fit my knitting, my Nook , my wallet, keys etc. and cool enough to carry out in public. I chose this one because my favorite color is ORANGE ;)

The bag was a Valentine's Day gift from my husband. I ordered it and when it arrived I showed it to him. I said, "Honey, look what you got me for Valentine's day!"....he replied, "I'm a great guy! I always get you exactly what you want, don't I?", yeah, whatever!