Tuesday, May 21, 2013


  • I like bullet points. They help me sort my thoughts. I was fairly young when I learned how to make an outline. It was a vital tool during school and I've carried that skill over into adulthood. I often make outlines when organizing my things to do list.
  • My oldest turned 21 in April. I am not handling it very well. How is it possible that I have a 21 year old when I'm only 29 myself?
  • Nate is graduating on May 31. He will be 18 in June. Again, how is this possible?
  • I will admit...I'm kind of obsessed with my kid's GPAs. Nate straddles a 3.0. He is a very smart kid (his SAT scores prove that) but tends to do "just enough" to get by. Tommy has a 4.36 GPA. He is also very smart. He puts as much effort as he can into all that he does. 
  • College is expensive. $46,000/yr to attend Suffolk University. Lord help me. Nate got $18,500.00 in scholarships but its just a drop in the bucket. Two words: STUDENT LOANS.
  • I just read 3 books in 2 days. When I'm on a reading jag I can do some serious reading. Unfortunately everything else in my life suffers. I didn't knit a stitch for those 2 days.
  • I have 3 or 4 projects that I need to add to Ravelry. I am such a bad Raveler lately. I go on Ravelry daily but I've been lazy about adding my projects. I plan to rectify that soon. 
  • I want to blog more. I'd like to add my projects here too...with pictures and stuff. 
  • I hate tornadoes. I really really hate tornadoes. 

Just some random thoughts. :)

1 comment:

  1. Tornadoes suck...
    A girl from my knitting group (she attends with her grandmother) is going to start Suffolk in the fall. It's a great school!
    I have one that works hard and one that slides by with just enough. I think it's born in you to work hard or not.
    I am lazy with Ravelry too. I end up adding a few projects at once and then don't add too much detail. Yeah, I do just enough to get by.
    I've missed you. You should blog more...
