Thursday, November 4, 2010

The title of my blog

I used to have a blog dedicated to just my knitting....and that was fine. But then I realized I had more to talk about than just my knitting...

So, here you will find a whole lot of thoughts and feelings, funny stories about my kids (lots of those), some knitting and other crafts....basically whatever I feel like sharing!

*disclaimer: I am not a writer...I write like I talk, mostly. You will find grammatical errors, typos, misspellings, swears, and other stuff that might make you cringe. Just fair warning! Oh and, I like to make lists....


  1. Oh good, you're back! I wondered where you were. Let the swearing begin:)

  2. I can't seem to figure out the settings on this dumb blogspot....I would like to be notified when I get a comment on a post. It looks like I don't care, but I do! :)
