Abby dressed up for Halloween! She is a mouse (so says she! It's actually a cat costume..)! |
I have 4 kids (6 people in our home) and one bathroom....yeah, I know, it stinks. It's overused and abused! I spend ALOT of time cleaning it (I have 3 sons....need I say more??). One major issue I have with our bathroom is the very, very slow bathtub drain. I use more Draino and Liquid Plumber in one month than the average family uses in a year!
I am always looking for ways to save money (me and my couponing ways....) so I got some cheap stuff at Ocean State Job Lot....I think it was called TOP JOB... It didn't work.....
I gave Abby a shower last night (she's getting so big! She showers by herself now, with minimal help from me...I just shampoo and rinse her hair, she does everything else!!). When she finished and I opened the shower curtain I realized the drain stuff was crap. I turned and yelled to my husband, "That shit didn't work!"....I turned back to Abby and she says, "What shit?".....Immediately she put her hand over her mouth...oops, that slipped out! I was laughing so hard I almost peed my pants! I know I am supposed to reprimand her...but the expression on her face was priceless! She was HORRIFIED that she swore!
I was reminded of the time Nate said "f*ck".... He was about 5 and we were all in my bed singing and snuggling. We had recently taught him the "name game" song.... We went through the whole family.... "mom, mom, bo bom, banana fana fo fom, me my mo mom, mom!" etc. So my husband pipes up with, "Let's sing it to the name Chuck!!"....So here is little Nate, singing away to the name CHUCK...and then he said it...."...banana fana fo f*uck"!! We were howling with laughter.....I know, MEAN...but so friggin' funny!
He was so horrified he ran into his room crying...It took me 20 minutes to calm him down and tell him it was "OK"!! It's been 10 years since, and still, I laugh every time I think about it!
(btw: my children don't swear....on a regular basis...I don't allow them to swear (unless it's funny....). I have been known to put hot sauce, mustard (for the kids who like hot sauce) and/or soap on their tongues!)